"Far Sabre" solgt til Oceanica som "Oceanicasub X"


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Sale of vessel​

Skudeneshavn, Norway, 14 March 2023 – Solstad Rederi AS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Solstad Offshore ASA (Solstad Offshore, OSE: SOFF), have sold the AHTS Far Sabre.

The vessel has been in layup since 2019. Delivery of the vessel to the new owner took place today, 14 March, 2023.

The sale of the vessel will result in a minor positive accounting effect to be reflected in 1Q 2023.
Ser at "Far Sabre" er overlevert til nye eigere og har forhalt fra Humla til Kleven Verft

Noken som veit kven som har kjøpt den samt kva det nye namnet blir?

Kva skal gjerast på den ved Kleven?
Fra Facebook sidene til Ulstein Verft:

Neighbouring yards cooperation on service assignment
In early August, the Oceanicasub X (formerly Far Sabre) will arrive at Ulstein Verft for a service assignment lasting approximately four weeks. The assignment comes from Green Yard Kleven, and Karl Johan Barstad, sales manager retrofit, states that: "It's great to be able to use services from Ulstein Verft for docking and hull services for this ship. Cooperation in the maritime cluster is important, and many local suppliers contribute to this conversion project."

Green Yard Kleven, and Ulstein Verft are neighbouring yards in Ulsteinvik, a core area of the Norwegian maritime cluster.
Green Yard Kleven carries out the reactivation of the former Farstad/Solstad ship, which has been sold to the ship owner Oceanica in Brazil and will also convert the ship for ROV and diving missions.

Available docking capacity from August
"Cooperating with Green Yard Kleven is a pleasure", says Martin Sundgot Hansen, sales manager aftermarket at Ulstein Verft. "Ulstein Verft is a partner to be trusted, and our large dock hall is an important asset to secure high-quality end results." He adds: "We still have some available capacity from August, on a 'first come, first served' basis."'

"Oceanicasub X" (ex. "Far Sabre"
Far Sabre.jpg
Foto: Greenyard.no
"Oceanicasub X" ved Kleven torsdag i forrige veke

Foto: © Oddgeir Refvik