Good question !
I think that all bigger teknisk "ombyggnader" off ferries take much more time than planned... .
That are usually all single-ship-projects - with a kind of a prototype-standard - and such things takes usually a lot of time - for to find solutions for "1000" problems... .
Free Newspaper article from nov. 2023:
"Fergen skal ut av landet, og direkte til statlig eierskap i Canada. Det innebærer at ombyggingen skal stå klar i andre kvartal 2024." = now...
So i guess that the "New" Fanafjord will be ready not before spring 2025... .
Anyone knows details about the planned service-speed in future ? Maybe it will be more slowly in future sadly ?
These ferries (Fanafjord and her 4 sisters) are the fastets bigger double-end-ferries worldwide with 21 knots or more, a sister holds world-record with 23,5 knots.
I was personally on E39 with car many many years ago on a delayed departure onboard on one of these ferries and it was a really very fast feeling onboard then... .
I think that all bigger teknisk "ombyggnader" off ferries take much more time than planned... .
That are usually all single-ship-projects - with a kind of a prototype-standard - and such things takes usually a lot of time - for to find solutions for "1000" problems... .
Free Newspaper article from nov. 2023:
Fiskerstrand verft fikk storavtale med Fjord1-datter | Kystens Næringsliv | Vi skaper kysten sammen!
– En betydelig kontrakt for verftet, sier verftet selv om ombyggingsoppdraget.
So i guess that the "New" Fanafjord will be ready not before spring 2025... .
Anyone knows details about the planned service-speed in future ? Maybe it will be more slowly in future sadly ?
These ferries (Fanafjord and her 4 sisters) are the fastets bigger double-end-ferries worldwide with 21 knots or more, a sister holds world-record with 23,5 knots.
I was personally on E39 with car many many years ago on a delayed departure onboard on one of these ferries and it was a really very fast feeling onboard then... .