Det ser ikke ut til at Saaremaa har vært tilgjengelig for denne ruten på slutten av sesongen
Northumberland Ferries Ltd. general manager Jeff Joyce said in a news release that MV Confederation is on track to resume crossings on Dec. 6, provided repairs to the vessel are completed on schedule.
The boat collided with the wharf in Wood Islands, P.E.I., on Sept. 15, leaving a hole in one of its raisable doors, or bow visors.
A week after MV Confederation hit the wharf, MV Saaremaa was sidelined with two of its four engines out of commission.
The MV Saaremaa had to return to its owner in Quebec in October before repairs to its engines were completed. (Victoria Walton/CBC)
NFL was leasing that boat and repairs weren't finished before the arrangement expired, so the Saaremaa had to return to its Quebec owners on Oct. 26.
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