Grandi Navi Veloci (GNV), Bygg nr. 21110001-21110004 ved Guangzhou Shipyard International (GSI), RoPax "GNV Polaris/Orion/Virgo/Aurora"


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MSC Group eide Grandi Navi Veloci (GNV) har signert kontrakt med Guangzhou Shipyard International (GSI) i Kina for to RoPax ferger pluss opsjon på to til

Blir 218 meter lange medbredde på 29,9 meter, får kapasitet 1,500-passasjerer, 303 passasjer lugarer samt 3,100 lane meter for rullende last

Desse "erstatter" 2+2 tidligere kontrakter som ikkje blei noko av ved verftet for GNV, sjå MSC Group & Onorato Armatori (Moby Line), Bygg nr. 18121002/04/?/? ved Guangzhou Shipyard International Co., RoPax "Moby Fantasy/Magic/TBN/TBN"

GNV TBN 01.jpg
Illustrasjon: via verftet
GNV has so many big old ferries from the 80ies (f.ex. also Peter Wessel from Larvik Line and Kronprins Harald from Jahre Line/Color Line) that we can be 99% sure that it will be all 4 new ferries built... .

Curiously that the design here now is complete another than as the actually built Moby Fantasy/Magic from the same yard... .
MSC/GNV was not happy with the price of the Moby-Fantasy-class - so now this classic typical RoPax-design looks really more cheaper... and size and capacity is smaller also.
Classic ships-bow (Moby Fantasy has the "Titanic-bow"...) extrem big funnel... .
Desse to blir bygg nr. 21110003 og 21110004 ved Guangzhou Shipyard International (GSI)
Render av GNV sitt prosjekt. Sliter virkelig med å bli komfortabel med den elefantdimensjonerte skorsteinen. Rederiet burde nesten vurdert å dra nytte av det store volumet til smart markedsføring, f.eks. male den grønn og fremme at den rommer scrubbere (muligens diskutabelt om det er noe særlig grønt dersom noe av svovelet og/eller de polysykliske aromatene havner i vannet).

Screen Shot 2022-11-28 at 7.02.43 PM.png
Den første av desse, "GNV Polaris" vart sjøsatt ved verftet i Kina den 25. Desember 2025

Foto: via verftet

Here is a small new positive point:
The Passenger-capacity of this new-building number 2 will be higher than originally planned:
Now it will be for 1785 Pax (instead of 1500) and with 433 cabins (instead of 300 or less only) - maybe not random that the old GNV Aries / Cristal / Blu shall have 435 cabins ?
Let´s hope that also new-building number 3 and 4 will be built with this significant higher number of cabins.

Still significant smaller then the 550 cabins from Moby Fantasy / Moby Legacy or the planned 2500-3000 Pax new-buildings for Minoan-Grimaldi.
And the question will be also which old GNV ferries will be replaced with this 4 new-buildings.
GNV has over decades "forgotten" to order newbuildings and has today still 9 very old big overnight-ferries built from 1980 to 1990 in their overaged fleet.

Furthermore the big comfortable La Superba will goes to scrap after the fire-accident - so they should really order so soon as possible more than 10 further big newbuildings -
also for to replace all their 6 big cruise-ferries from the 90ies. GNV had a nice modern comfortable fleet in 2003 - but today it is mainly old with still 15 big ferries in the fleet built in last century.

Also not to forget - most ferry-yards (f.ex. in China) has a relative full orderbook actually - if GNV would today order a serie of new-buildings - then would be no ferry ready for use before 2028... .
And to get delivered more than 2 new-buildings per year is usually not possible.
Waiting too long with order of ferry-newbuildings can be later a big problem... to see also at Calmac, Interislander, Moby, Attica etc. - often in news with technical problems, breakdowns, deleted or delayed departures, negative ship-inspections etc. .

For Color-Line friends here: Their former ferry Kronprins Harald from 1987 is still in the GNV fleet also as GNV Allegra.
Forøvrig ser det ut til at det nå er fire Firm og to Opsjoner som rederiet har med verftet?
I have no info about opsjoner... . I think from the start it was 2 firm + 2 opsjoner = now 4 firm.
1) POLARIS, ca. 300 cabins, 1500 Pax
2) ORION, 433 cabins, 1785 Pax
3) VIRGO, 433 cabins, 1785 Pax
4) N.N. (i guess also here the bigger solution with more cabins)

Because the fleets from GNV and Moby are much overaged they would need a lot new-buildings more, but i think (and hope) they will develop another design with more cruise-ferry-standard.
They have operated many routes now since decades with very high comfort-standard onboard, competitor Grimaldi is projecting very luxury new cruise-ferries - so normally GNV need also now much more than "normal" Ropax-standard for futher newbuildings for to replace all the older cruise-ferries.
As said here 28.june - if only GNV want to replace all ferries from last century they would need further more 11 (!) new-buildings. Number 12 could be a replacement for the 2002 build La Superba which will goes to scrap soon after fire onboard. And if they would place the order for these new-buildings in 2025 deliveries could start in 2028 and would takes 6 years... .
And the sister-company Moby Lines (same owner as at GNV in background) would need 4 big and 4 small cruise-Ropax-ferries normally for to replace only oldest ferries from the 70ies (ex DFDS) and 80ies (ex Color Line Christian IV)... .
So they could also together order 16 (!) new biggest Cruise-Ropax-ferries now - and if the last is delivered in 2035 then they would have again the 200X built ferries (Moby Ale Due, La Suprema, Moby Wonder etc.) with an age of (much) more than 30 years - not possible to replace them with these THEORETIC 16 more new-buildings... .

All GNV ferries in 1 video, look at the partly crazy rebuilt funnels with scrubbers:

If we compare here the Pax/cabin/car-capacities with the newbuildings - the new ORION, VIRGO and N.N. could replace ATLAS, CRISTAL and BLU with ca. 105%. And the new POLARIS the old GOLDEN BRIDGE... .
But anywhere was to read that they shall go on the route Valencia-Mallorca.

Interior and sundeck Shiptour from the newest in 2003 built ferry LA SUPREMA shows in details the cruise-standard of the ferries, but also how much worned, downrunned and used the fleet is - i would not accept a cabin as this front-family-suite... . They have daily more than 2000 people onboard - but this is to see also... . And a shame that all pools on all ferries are not in use. (put off the sound better)