Offshoretråden - Kontrakter

Havila Shipping ASA: Kontrakt med Peterson den Helder BV for PSV fartøyet Havila Borg​

Havila Shipping ASA har inngått kontrakt med Peterson den Helder BV for PSV fartøyet Havila Borg på markedsmessige betingelser.

Kontrakten er for to borehull estimert til 200 dager.

I tillegg er det opsjoner for ytterligere 8 borehull, hvert estimert til 65 dager.

Oppstart er forventet innen to uker.
Rem Inspector Dof skal bruke i kontrakten

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Rem Inspector har signert langtidskontrakt med DOF på IMR for Equinor. Skipet skal flagges om til NOR og ha en rotasjon på 4x4.
Tiltredelse Desember 2024/Januar 2025

Contract award​

Sea1 Offshore has secured a multi-well project for 3 AHTS' in Australia, commencing Q2-Q3 2025 for a firm period of ca 380 days up to ca 670 days per vessel.

The vessels will be servicing a consortium of local operators with various drilling and decommissioning projects.
Multiple contract awards in Brazil

Solstad Offshore ASA (Solstad) is pleased to announce multiple contract awards with Clients in Brazil.

AHTS “Normand Topazio” has been awarded a 1-year contract with commencement in October 2024, in direct continuation of current contract. AHTS “Normand Turmalina” has been awarded a 1-year contract with commencement in November 2024, in direct continuation of current contract. CSV “Normand Cutter” has been awarded a 9-month contract for subsea construction activities with commencement in October 2024 in direct continuation of current contract.

The combined gross contract value is approximately USD 53 million.

“Normand Topazio” and “Normand Turmalina” are owned by Solstad Offshore ASA.

“Normand Cutter” is owned by Solstad Maritime AS, in which Solstad Offshore ASA holds 27,3%.

Contract Award for Normand Maximus

Solstad Offshore ASA ("Solstad") is pleased to announce a contract award with an undisclosed client for the subsea construction vessel "Normand Maximus."

The contract has a duration of 1 year and will keep the "Normand Maximus" fully committed to December 2026.

Multiple new contracts

Solstad Offshore ASA (Solstad) is pleased to announce multiple new contracts and contract extensions, representing around 900 vessel days. The combined value of the contracts is approx. USD 60 million.

CSV «Normand Valiant» has been awarded a 1,5 -year firm contract with Petrobras in Brazil. Commencement of the contract is scheduled for February 2025 in direct continuation of current contract.

AHTS «Normand Sagaris» current contract with Petrobras in Brazil has been extended with 120 days until March 2025, when the vessel will start on its earlier announced 3-year contract with the same Client.

The present contract for AHTS «Normand Sirius» has been extended to August 2025, with an option to extend the contract with another 247 days, while a new 60 days contract has been entered into for the AHTS «Normand Saracen». Both vessels will support drilling campaigns offshore Western Australia.

«Normand Valiant», «Normand Sagaris», «Normand Saracen» and «Normand Sirius» are owned by Solstad Maritime Holding AS, in which Solstad Offshore ASA holds 27,3%.

Havila Shipping ASA: Contract extensions with Equinor Energy AS​

Equinor Energy has exercised one year option for following vessels:

* Havila Troll (RRV) until November 2025
* Havila Charisma (PSV) until December 2025
* Havila Foresight (PSV) until January 2026

Contract extension – OSCV Sea1 Spearfish​

Sea1 Offshore has received notice from PXGEO exercising their option to extend the contract for one more year until Q1 2026 for the OSCV

Contract Award for CSV Normand Frontier

Solstad Offshore ASA (“Solstad”) is pleased to announce a three-year contract award with an international contractor for the CSV Normand Frontier.

The firm contract has an immediate startup and will keep the Normand Frontier fully committed until end 2027.

The commercial terms are confidential, but in line with current market levels for this type of vessel.

The vessel will support the client’s operations worldwide. As part of the charter party, Solstad, together with Omega Subsea AS, will deliver two work class ROVs (WROVs) including manning, tooling, survey services, and project personnel.

Normand Frontier is owned by Solstad Maritime Holding AS, in which Solstad Offshore ASA holds 27,3%.

SOLSTAD OFFSHORE ASA – Multiple contract awards

Solstad Offshore ASA (Solstad) is pleased to announce multiple contract awards with undisclosed clients for “Normand Jarstein”, “Normand Australis” and “Normand Scorpion”.
  • CSV “Normand Jarstein” has been awarded a 135 days firm plus option contract for providing subsea support and services, partnering with Omega Subsea AS. Normand Jarstein will operate in West Africa, with commencement in March 2025.
  • CSV “Normand Australis” has been awarded a 200 days firm plus 90 days option contract for a renewable energy project. Normand Australis will operate in Taiwan, with commencement in February 2025.
  • AHTS “Normand Scorpion” has been awarded a 78 days firm plus 42 days option contract for providing rig support in Australia. Commencement of the contract is in January 2025.
The commercial conditions are confidential between the parties.

"Normand Jarstein", “Normand Australis” and “Normand Scorpion” are owned by Solstad Maritime AS, in which Solstad Offshore ASA holds 27,3%.
Solstad Offshore ASA holds a 35,8% ownership share in Omega Subsea AS.