Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL), Bygg nr. 1092 & 1093 ved Cemre Shipyard, Ropax "Isle of Islay" & "Loch Indaal"


Staff member
Four shipyards invited to tender for new Islay vessels

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL) has invited four shipyards to bid for the contract to build two new ferries for Islay.

Following extensive consultation with Transport Scotland, CalMac, and communities on Islay, a decision has been made to build two vessels, which will provide much needed new tonnage in the fleet and improve the resilience of the network.

The new vessels will have greater vehicle capacity than the current vessels on the route, and will have significantly lower energy requirement. They will be designed with a clear focus on freight, including the capability to operate a possible overnight freight service.

The Islay route is already one of the busiest services for freight on the Clyde and Hebrides network, and the incoming ferries will support the island’s vital economic activity. Sufficient passenger accommodation will be designed to meet an anticipated increase in passenger demand.

Reaching the Invitation to Tender (ITT) stage of the procurement process are; Damen Shipyard in Romania, Remontowa Shipbuilding in Poland, and Turkish shipyards Sefine Denizcilik Tersanecilik Turizm, and Cemre Marin Endustri.

Evaluation of the first stage of the procurement exercise, which included an option for a second vessel, is complete. A total of 35 organisations expressed interest at the first stage of the procurement exercise and responses were received from 11 organisations.

Each submission was assessed rigorously against technical and financial criteria. The shortlisted shipyards will now submit their technical and commercial proposals for the design and construction of the two vessels. Each submission will be rigorously assessed against quality, technical and commercial criteria, and the contract will be awarded to the winning shipyard no later than the end of March 2022.

Jim Anderson, Director of Vessels at CMAL said:

“We received interest from many shipyards across the world, and carried out robust assessment of their technical and financial suitability to take on this project.

“Four shipyards scored the highest across both criteria and have now been issued an ITT for the contract. This stage of the procurement process will take around six months, and we hope to award the contract to the winning shipyard at the end of March 2022.

“The ITT stage marks an important step forward in bringing a new vessel to Islay and Jura. It is one of several new vessel and harbour upgrade projects we are currently progressing to improve the resilience of ferry services for island communities.”

Kilde: Pressemelding

Turkish yard wins contract to build Islay ferries

he £110m contract to build two new CalMac ferries for Islay is likely to be awarded to a shipyard in Turkey.

Scottish government-owned Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL) has named Cemre Marin Endustri as the preferred bidder.

The nationalised Ferguson shipyard missed out on the order to build the new ferries.

The Inverclyde yard was among 11 bidders for the order to replace the ships on the Argyll route.

But it failed to make the shortlist last September, leaving four yards based in Poland, Romania and Turkey to submit tenders.

Ferguson Marine said at the time it was "disappointed" but would learn lessons as it looks for future work.

Two ferries it is building have been hit by delays and will cost more than double the £97m contract price originally agreed.

'Grow economy'​

The overall cost of the new Islay ferries project, including work to ports, will be £130m.

The Scottish government said the boats would bring an almost 40% increase in vehicle and freight capacity on the Islay routes, a reduction in emissions and would improve the resilience of the wider fleet.

The first ferry is expected to be delivered by October 2024 and will enter service following sea trials and crew familiarisation. The second vessel will follow in early 2025.

The new ships will replace MV Hebridean Isles and allow another ferry, MV Finlaggan, to be redeployed to another route.

Minister for Transport Jenny Gilruth said she was pleased to see CMAL name a preferred bidder.

She said: "These links are some of the busiest services for freight on the Clyde and Hebrides network and the new vessels will help to grow the island's economy, as well as bring added resilience to the fleet."

Scottish Conservative transport spokesman Graham Simpson said it was an embarrassment that the government-run yard at Port Glasgow was "in no fit state to be considered for this contract".

He said: "It would come as no surprise if the Turkish yard completed these very welcome new vessels for Islay before anything leaves Ferguson Marine."

Kilde: BBC News

New Island Ferry
Caledonian TBN 01.jpg

Caledonian TBN 02.jpg
Begge illustrasjoner: Navalue
Really urgent, already "10 past 12" - Calmac has the oldest fleet of all regional ferry-companies... - fleet average-medium-age is ca. 25-26 years... .
A number of ferries has since many years often technical problem, some big rusty problems as f.ex. the 1998 built Clansman with the exchange of more tha 50sqm steel-plates... . A lot of deleted departures in the last years on many routes.

Anywhere infos about the technical data ? Factsheet ? (Capacity trucks / cars / pax ? Length ? Wide ? Speed ?)
Sett at på noen av illustrasjonene så har den podder som fremdrift, men på andre så er det Voith? Noen som vet hva den blir bygd med, hadde jo vært tøft om den ble bygd med Voith'er...
4 stk wartsila motorer type W8L20 dessa ska ha men står ikje noe om framdrift system der eg leste det :-)
Det er Voith som er valgt for disse. Det er kjørt et større testprogram i modelltank med både azimuth og Voith, og basert på dette ble Voith valgt.
CalMac har lang tradisjon for bruk av Voith

I dette tilfellet fant man at Voith ga bedre energieffektivitet. Andre fordeler er vesentlig raskere endring av retning på skyvekraft og i tillegg kan Voith enhetene benyttes til rulledemping. På den negative siden er de vesentlig dyrere.
Kjølstrekk på den første og første stålkutting på den andre av desse to denne veka...