Incat bygg nr. 098


Which ferry-company has ordered the Incat hull number 098 ??? ... 230222.pdf
Hull 097 and 099 are smaller 76m ferries for operators in the country of South-Korea.
Hull 096 is the delayed - but this year now started - construction of a new bigger sister-ferry of the "Francisco" from 2013 for Buquebus (between Uruguay and Argentina).
Hull 094 was Buccoo Reef, 089 was Saint Paul 2, 088 was Molslinjen Express 3, 095, 092, 090 and 081 - 087 was all smaller ferries under 50m
But who has ordered hull 098 ???
The both catamarans hulls 091 and 093 for Armas in the Canary Islands was in the last years also for very long time a "secret order" with very late info that these ferries are ordered by Armas. There is a big competition with Fred Olsen Express and also Armas is now changing the fleet more and more from "normal" ferries to fast ferries.
This new ferry 098 has
- the biggest truck-capacity of all catamaran- or trimaran-ferries with 661lm + 1200 Pax + 252 cars, 120m x 30,50m,
- nearly identic size as the 115m long "Express 5" (for Bornholmslinjen - Molslinjengroup) actually under construction at the competitor-yard Austal.
- Dual LNG-fuel, use of batteries in ports, 38knots.
- 1-class-interior-layout (f.ex. Buquebus has a 3-class-system, tourist, business and 1st)
- no Duty-free-shop onboard