"Far Spica" - Første ex. Farstad båt i oransje Farstad Solstad farger?

UT 755 LN "Normand Trym", ex. "Rem Supplier" og UT 755 LN "Normand Vibran", ex. "Rem Spirit"/"E.R. Oslo" er solgt til India

Dei fire andre som også er solgt er vel da kanskje?
UT 730 "Far Santana"
VS 480 AHTS "Normand Ivan"
UT 755 LN "Rem Supplier"
UT 755 L "Sea Trout"
"Far Sigma" i dokk hos Westcon Karmsund. Ser ut til at Far navnet forsvinner på denne også.
View attachment 8392

"Normand Sigma" inn til Aberdeen i går


Begge foto: George Saunders
UT 755 LN "Normand Trym", ex. "Rem Supplier" og UT 755 LN "Normand Vibran", ex. "Rem Spirit"/"E.R. Oslo" er solgt til India

Dei fire andre som også er solgt er vel da kanskje?
UT 730 "Far Santana"
VS 480 AHTS "Normand Ivan"
UT 755 LN "Rem Supplier"
UT 755 L "Sea Trout"

Stemte veldig bra det, pressmelding idag på dette:

Sale of vessels

Solstad Rederi AS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Solstad Offshore ASA, has sold six vessels whereof four PSV’s Sea Trout, Normand Trym, Normand Vibran, REM Supplier and two AHTS’s Normand Ivan and Far Santana. Delivery of the six vessels to the new owner took place today, April 7th, 2022.

The sale of the vessels will result in an immaterial accounting effect in 2Q-22.

With the sale of these vessels, Solstad has completed its divestment program of 36 vessels defined as non-strategic, as announced in 4Q-20. The sale of the 36 vessels has contributed to a reduced debt in Solstad of approximately MNOK 900.

After the sale of the non-strategic fleet, the Solstad Offshore fleet consist of 90 Subsea, Anchor handling and Platform Supply vessels working for Oil & Gas and Renewable Energy clients in the global markets.
Tre Solstad båter for hogging ved Green Yard Kleven i dag

"Normand Borg"

"Normand Neptun"

"Normand Atlantic"

Alle foto: © Oddgeir Refvik
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Subsidiaries of Solstad Offshore ASA have sold three anchor handlers. The vessels are Nor Captain (owned by Solstad Offshore Singapore Pte Ltd), Far Sword and Far Stream (owned by Farstad Supply AS). Delivery of the vessels to the new owner took place today, February 3rd, 2022.

The sale of the vessels will result in an immaterial accounting effect.
NOR CAPTAIN heter nå HAI CHANG TUO 01 og FAR SWORD heter EPOCH RAINBOW begge med Gabon flagg.

Sale of vessel

Solstad Rederi AS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Solstad Offshore ASA, have sold the PSV Normand Corona. Delivery of the vessel to the new owner took place today, June 14th, 2022.

The sale of the vessel will result in a minor positive accounting effect to be reflected in 2Q 2022.

Sale of vessel

Solstad Rederi AS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Solstad Offshore ASA, have sold the PSV Normand Aurora. Delivery of the vessel to the new owner took place today, July 5th, 2022.
The sale of the vessel will result in a minor positive accounting effect to be reflected in 3Q 2022.
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